Environmental Engineering

High Speed Rail-CP Railroad Muskego Yard Redevelopment Project, Milwaukee County, WI:
Performed a Phase 1 hazardous materials assessment of the Canadian Pacific (CP) Railroad Muskego Yard (~4-mile long). The purpose of the project is to reroute the freight rail traffic away from the Milwaukee Intermodal Station. The proposed redevelopment is understood to include building of the new Railroad tracks and several structures associated with the new tracks as part of the High Speed Railroad (HSR) initiative.

I-94/USH 41 North South Corridor, Milwaukee, Racine, and Kenosha Counties:
Performed a Phase 1 hazardous materials assessment of the mainline and fifteen interchanges in Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha Counties (WI), and Lake County (IL). The project limits are: Howard Avenue on the north, 35th Street (over I-894/43) on the west, Howell Avenue on the east (under the Airport Spur), and the north end of the I 94/USH 41 interchange in Lake County, Illinois. Responsibilities included evaluating the environmental risk and liabilities associated with potential hazardous materials sites located adjacent to the project corridor that include the current and former gas stations, paint shops, salvage yards, wood preserving facilities, dry cleaning facilities, tanneries, municipal landfills, and miscellaneous fill areas and recommending a list of sites for additional (Phase 2) hazardous materials investigation based on right-of-way (R/W) acquisition and excavation requirements for the project. Himalayan also performed several Phase 2 environmental site investigations to evaluate the soils and groundwater conditions in connection with the proposed roadway construction.

General Mitchell International Airport (GMIA), Runway Safety Area Improvements, Milwaukee County:
Performed Phase 1 and 2 environmental site assessments (ESA) and stormwater infiltration studies of the areas along the west side of existing S. 6th Street; east and west ends of Runway 7R/25L; and south side of Runway 19R/1L (East College Avenue) as part of the GMIA Runway Safety Area Improvements Project.

Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) Landfill Gas (LFG) Pipeline Project:
Conducted Phase I ESA for MMSDs proposed LFG Pipeline segments A, B, C, and D (over 20-mile long) between Emerald Park Landfill and the MMSD Milorganite Plant on Jones Island. Identified sites with the potential for causing hazardous materials impacts to the proposed construction, and recommended select sites for additional investigation to evaluate the potential impacts. Performed Phase 2 site investigations at various locations including the Jones Island area for waste characterization purposes. Additional responsibilities: Prepared a contamination management plan and obtained WDNR approval Coordinated with landfill for waste characterization of contaminated soils Documented the management activities

Marquette Interchange Reconstruction Project, Milwaukee, WI:
Provided field oversight for the hazardous materials investigation of the West Leg, South Leg, and Core sections of the interchange. The investigation included over 300 Geoprobe borings and 70 temporary groundwater monitoring wells. Borings were located at the design location of future structures and ranged in depths from 10 to 40 feet. Responsibilities included: supervising and directing the field activities, collecting soil and groundwater samples for laboratory testing, classifying soils during drilling operations, field-screening using a Photo-Ionization Detector, and preparing logs of test borings.

UST Site Assessments/Investigations at MCTS-Fiebrantz, Fond du Lac, and Kinnickinnic Bus Garages:
Performed site assessments in conjunction with closure-in-place or closure by removal of UST systems at Milwaukee Countys Transit System Fiebrantz, Fond du Lac, and Kinnickinnic (KK) Bus Garages. Conducted a site investigation per NR 716 to delineate the lateral and vertical extents of petroleum contamination at the KK Bus Garage site and prepared a close out report and soil and groundwater GIS registry for WDNR submittal.

Milwaukee River Sediment Sampling and Testing, Milwaukee, WI:
Performed sediment sampling and testing as part of the Estabrook Dam rehabilitation and sediment removal planning for Milwaukee County. The rationale for sampling and testing sediments was to determine the thicknesses of the sediments at sampling locations, characterize the sediment materials, and assist Milwaukee County in the analysis of how to properly manage any debris/ sediments including the sediments that may adhere to the debris during removal. The project consisted of advancing more than 15 probes to collect thirty-one discrete sediment samples for analysis of PCBs (EPA Method 8082). Two bulk samples of wood debris, one above the water and one in a submerged location, were also collected and submitted for analysis of PCBs. Additional discrete and composite sampling of the sediments was performed for analysis of grain size distribution, total organic carbon (TOC), and moisture content/percent solids, NR 347 Great Lakes parameters, and Veolia disposal parameters (waste characterization). Himalayan interpreted the analytical results and provided recommendations in connection with the proposed dredging or cleanup activities at the site.

South Shore Beach Relocation, Milwaukee County, WI:
Conducted the topographic and bathymetric surveys and utility coordination of the project area as part of the study performed in assisting Milwaukee County to investigate the feasibility of relocating existing swimming beach and address the associated water quality issues. Survey cross sections were completed at 100-foot on center for calibration of water quality and hydrographic modeling. Utilities and topographic survey results were merged with existing County survey data. Additional activities included a geotechnical survey, sampling and testing of beach samples for grain size determination. The samples were collected from the existing swimming beach, proposed beach containing Tunnel Boring Materials (TBM), and boat launch areas at the on-shore, at the water line, and at off-shore locations.

Milwaukee River Watershed, Ozaukee County, WI:
Performed sediment sampling (over 150 samples) as part of the water quality and sediment contamination assessment of the Milwaukee River watershed in Ozaukee County. The purpose of the project was to provide data useful for addressing three of the Milwaukee Estuary Area of Concern (AOC) Beneficial Use Impairments (BUI) and to provide information relevant to multiple proposed BUI delisting targets. These activities are federally funded through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) and administered by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) under grant # GL-00E00607-0, entitled Monitoring to Address 7 of 11 BUIs Milwaukee Estuary AOC. The samples were tested for PCBs, total organic carbon, and grain size determination. Additional activities included water quality sampling and determining the river discharge at various sampling locations.

Sheboygan River Sediment Sampling and Testing, US Coast Guard Station-Sheboygan, Sheboygan, WI:
Performed sampling and testing of the river sediments for purposes of characterizing the sediment materials to help determine the management options for the dredged sediment during construction.

Lakeshore Drive/North Fond du Lac (NFDL) Railroad Crossing, Fond du Lac County, WI:
Himalayan performed Phase1 and 2 ESA/HMI in conjunction with the proposed improvements of approximately 0.4 miles of Lakeshore Drive planned by the WisDOT in the Village of North Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac County. Himalayan identified eight sites as potential hazardous materials concerns to the proposed improvements and recommended further investigation for these sites. Performed Phase 2 HMI for the identified eight sites that included the WI Central Railroad Yard site located in the south-central portion of the project corridor. Responsibilities included development of site investigation plan, railroad coordination per FDM procedures, and making recommendations for special provisions or further hazardous material activities based on the investigation results.

Canal Street Wet Weather Relief Sewer Project, Milwaukee, WI:
Performed Phase 1 ESA of this 2.71-mile long sewer corridor from downstream terminus of the Menomonee Special West Metropolitan Interceptor Sewer at the existing Overflow Chamber 1 located just south of Canal Street on the east side of S.27th Street to the Jones Island Siphons site located at the intersection of South Water and East Bruce Streets. Conducted Phase 2 ESAs for several shaft locations to investigate the potential presence of hazardous materials / petroleum contamination and provide recommendations for handling and management of soil and/or groundwater impacts at these sites during construction.