Geotechnical Engineering

USH 12, Walworth County, WI:
Himalayan conducted two subsurface soil investigations consisting of over 44 test borings as part of the crossroad and interchange reconstruction along the US Highway (USH) 12 Corridor from State Trunk Highway (STH) 50 to STH 67 connecting the cities of Lake Geneva and Elkhorn in Walworth County (length approx. 11 miles.). One subsurface investigation was performed for the proposed replacement of existing bridge structures at the USH 12 / STH 50 and USH 12 / CTH NN interchanges. The investigation evaluated the stratigraphy and engineering characteristics of the underlying soils, performed geotechnical analysis and provided recommendations for the foundation support and construction considerations. The other subsurface soil investigation provided roadway design parameters and recommendations for use in the reconstruction of five major locations planned within the project corridor.

I-43 and STH 164 Interchange, Town of Vernon, WI:
Performed a subsurface soils investigation, geotechnical design and analyses, and foundations recommendations for four bridge structures in the project area. Additionally, performed stability checks (overturning, sliding stability, bearing capacity failure, and global stability) for the abutments. Due to suitable soil conditions encountered in the project area to support the proposed bridge structures on shallow foundations, spread footings were recommended instead of pile foundations.

Marquette Interchange Reconstruction / Canal Street Reconstruction / Extension Projects, Milwaukee, WI:
Provided geotechnical oversight for the subsurface investigation of the West Leg, South Leg, and Core sections of the interchange, and Canal Street that included the CMC property in Menomonee River Valley. Borings were located at the design location of future structures (retaining walls, and bridge abutments and piers) and ranged in depths from 10 to 200 feet below the existing grade. The projects included rock coring, aquifer testing and hydraulic analyses for estimating the hydraulic conductivities of the portions of the aquifers for both projects.

Milwaukee Intermodal (Amtrak) Station Milwaukee, WI:
Performed a geotechnical investigation and foundation analyses for construction of new entrance piers on the existing station building as part of the improved entrance of the station, a canopy in the bus park area directly adjacent to the west side of the station building, an enclosure at the southwest corner of the building, and construction of a possible 3-story parking structure and a parking lot on the area to the west side of the 6th Street viaduct.

I-43 Rock Freeway, Walworth County, WI:
Himalayan performed a subsurface investigation to assess the pavement and subgrade conditions, to evaluate the rubblization potential of the existing concrete pavement, and to obtain pavement design parameters for use in rehabilitation/reconstruction of the 16-mile section of the roadway. The project will also consist of numerous deck overlays and other bridge rehabilitation items on 31 bridges within the project limits. The investigation included over 200 test borings and utilized dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) testing for evaluation of pavement subgrade bearing strength in the field. The DCP testing data was used to determine if concrete rubblization was feasible for use as quality pavement structure for a new asphalt roadway surface.

Bradford Beach and McKinley Beach, Milwaukee County, WI:
Performed a subsurface investigation of the beach areas for the feasibility study of installing underground infiltration beds. The projects consisted of advancing 22 test borings to obtain information on the soil types and groundwater conditions of the subsurface soils, and performing slug tests to estimate hydraulic conductivities (k) of the uppermost unconsolidated formation in the project area. The tests were conducted using a transducer/datalogger and a laptop computer. The test results were analyzed using AquiferTEST Pro software to obtain k values by Hvorslev and Bouwer and Rice slug tests methods.

Angle of Repose Investigation and Analysis, Former Fontana Quarry, Village of Fontana, WI:
Conducted a subsurface investigation of this quarry site to delineate the natural angle of repose and the amount of the available developable land. The project consisted of advancing four test borings, laboratory tests for moisture content, sieve analyses (including hydrometer), and unconfined compressive strengths; and soil classification, stability Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.analysis of the existing slopes using a computer software, and recommending the angle of repose for quarry slope.

Slope Stabilization and Analysis, Deer Creek, Ashland, WI:
Performed stability analysis of the existing and several proposed slope configurations of this almost 90 feet high slope using the computer program ReSSA. The analysis included evaluating the stabilities using geogrid reinforcement.

Sorenson Creek Bank Stabilization, Racine County, WI:
Performed a subsurface investigation to assess the stratigraphy and physical properties of the underlying soils and provided recommendations for the design and construction of a geogrid reinforced modular brick retaining wall adjacent to the creek.

STH 83 (Monroe Avenue-Sumner Street), Washington County, WI:
Responsibilities included performing utility coordination and field locates, and subsurface investigation to evaluate the pavement and soils conditions. Made recommendations for pavement design parameters, select materials systems, EBS, and drainage for use in reconstruction.

STH 57 (Teutonia Avenue-Mequon Road), Milwaukee and Ozaukee Counties, WI:
Conducted a pavement and subsurface soils investigation for STH 57 and recommended pavement design parameters for the project. Performed geotechnical design/analyses, and foundations recommendations based on the Load and Reduction Factor Design (LRFD) method for the proposed bridge structures at STH 57 and STH 100 Interchange per WisDOT guidelines. Conducted drivability analyses of pile foundations using Wave Equation Analysis of Pile Driving (WEAP).

Saint Paul Salt Shed, Marquette Interchange, Milwaukee County, WI:
Himalayan completed a geotechnical investigation for the proposed construction of a salt storage shed, a storage tank pad, and a storage building to be located between N 10th and N. 12th Streets, north of Saint Paul Avenue. Based on the subsurface soil conditions (highly compressible soils encountered to depths of up to approximately 39 feet below ground surface) and subsequent geotechnical analysis, it was determined that a shallow foundation system would not be suitable for the salt storage shed due to the excessive settlement concerns. Therefore, a deep foundation system consisting of driven CIP piles was recommended for the salt storage shed based on the Load and Reduction Factor Design (LRFD) method. A fully compensated matt foundation system was recommended for the storage tank pad and a conventional spread footing was recommended for the storage building. Additionally, preloading and/or ground improvement recommendations were made to minimize anticipated settlements for all structure sites.

Silverbrook Middle School, Washington County, WI:
Himalayan performed a subsurface investigation of the Silverbrook Middle School property owned by the West Bend School District in order to assess subsurface conditions for a 75,000 square foot addition and remodel of the existing building. Provided recommendations and design parameters for use in the design and construction of new roadways, structure additions, and storm water detention facilities.