Roadway and Drainage Design

Zoo Interchange Reconstruction, Milwaukee County:
As part of the Forward 45 Team, Himalayan advanced the N. Glenview Avenue (STH 181) reconstruction project from 30% to Final. N. Glenview Avenue was one of several local roads and highways identified as being impacted by the Zoo Interchange Reconstruction Project. The Glenview/Bluemound and Glenview/Wisconsin intersections are to be enlarged with additional turning bays. The Glenview/Bluemound intersection includes slotted left turn bays with pedestrian refuges, bicycle accommodations, and exclusive right turn lanes. Between Bluemound and Wisconsin, Glenview will be reconfigured to have a two way left turn lane (TWLTL) in the middle. One complication of note is that there are three historical districts along the project corridor that cannot be disturbed. Special care has been taken in ensuring that these areas will not be negatively impacted. Himalayan completed all roadway and drainage design and plan preparation including staging and traffic control. Also wrote the DSR. Signals, Lighting and FTMS designed by others.

CTH ZZ, College Avenue (S. 51st Street-S. 27th Street), Milwaukee County:
This 1.5-mile highway design project for Milwaukee County that Himalayan primed is a reconditioning project that includes adding paved shoulders. The alternative chosen by the County is to mill, asphaltic base patch, and overlay the existing highway while adding paved shoulders and correcting several drainage issues along the corridor. Himalayan conducted the Geotechnical Investigation, Hazardous Materials Investigation, Environmental Documentation (ER), Pavement Design Report, Design Study Report, Stormwater Management Report, Agency and Utility Coordination, and Public Involvement. Drilling, wetland delineation, archeology and survey were subcontracted.

I 94 N-S Freeway Ryan Road (STH 100) Interchange, Milwaukee County:
Himalayan as a member of Milwaukee Transportation Partners (MTP), led a team of MTP designers to advance the 60% plan set to Final Design on the shelf. The design includes multilane, metered ramps, two signalized intersections, a park and ride, two detention ponds and approximately 2,050 feet of reconstruction of Ryan Road, a six lane urban highway. Responsibilities include design of horizontal and vertical alignments, geometrics, drainage, staging, pavement markings, signage, fencing, removals, cross sections, park and ride design, incorporation of several BMPs such as rain gardens and pervious pavement, and obtaining the necessary Sec. 404 (USACE) and WDNR concurrence permits. Also coordinated plat, utilities, signals, FTMS, lighting and structures done by others within MTP. These plans were put on the shelf in February 2011. In the interim, it was decided that the Ryan Road bridge would be built in two halves (north half first), that the Mainline project, which was to be built concurrently, would be postponed to 2019 and 2020, and that the project would be tied to the Ryan Road project from S. 27th St. to Howell Avenue. Each of these decisions had major repercussions on the projects scope and complexity. While the permanent pavement will stay the same, major changes are needed to temporary pavements, staging and traffic control, drainage, lighting, and FTMS. Himalayan, along with its subs, is currently redesigning these components working towards the August 2013 Final PS&E date. Construction will be completed in 2014.

STH 32 Reconstruction, Brown County:
As a subconsultant to MSA Professional Services, Himalayan is assisting with this corridor study. The study will look at traffic patterns for downtown DePere, analyze the intersection of Main Street and 8th Street and make a recommendation on how to lengthen the railroad bridge so that Main Street can be widened to four lanes. Community Sensitive Design (CSD) will be incorporate in the downtown area as well as for the new retaining walls and Railroad Bridge. Himalayans portion of the project includes preparing a Pavement Type Selection Report, Phase 1 Hazmat Report, Environmental Document (ER), Geotechnical Investigation and Report, Encroachment Report, Storm Sewer Plan Profiles, conducting Agency and Utility Coordination, and assisting MSA with Public Involvement.

CTH A, S. 68th Street (W. Ryan Road House of Corrections), Milwaukee County:
This 0.75-mile highway design project for Milwaukee County that Himalayan is leading is a reconditioning project that includes adding paved shoulders. The alternative chosen by the County is to pulverize the existing asphalt pavement and pave the highway while adding paved shoulders and correcting several drainage issues along the corridor. Himalayan is conducting the Survey, Geotechnical Investigation, Archeological Survey, Hazardous Materials Investigation, Environmental Documentation (ER), Pavement Design Report, Design Study Report, Stormwater Management Report, Agency and Utility Coordination, and Public Involvement. Drilling, wetland delineation and traffic study are subcontracted. PSE 12/8/13

CTH J, S. North Cape Road (Hi-View Drive Forest Home Avenue), Milwaukee County:
This 2.25-mile highway design project for Milwaukee County that Himalayan is leading is a reconditioning project that includes adding paved shoulders. The alternative chosen by the County is to rubblize the existing concrete pavement with asphalt overlay and pave the with asphalt pavement while adding paved shoulders and correcting several drainage issues along the corridor. The existing roadway does not have sufficient shoulders and has steep ditches throughout much of the project. Therefore the roadway needed to be widened and new ditches cut though most of this tight corridor. Himalayan is overcoming these challenges by evaluating each property along the corridor and either cutting a new ditch, curbing past sensitive trees and landscaping, or enclosing the ditch with a culvert to minimize disturbance to the property owners. Himalayan is conducting the Survey, Geotechnical Investigation, Archeological Survey, Hazardous Materials Investigation, Environmental Documentation (ER), Pavement Design Report, Design Study Report, Stormwater Management Report, Agency and Utility Coordination, and Public Involvement. Drilling, wetland delineation and traffic study are subcontracted. PSE 12/8/13